Awards and Prices
For their achievements in standardization and Datacubes / Array Databases Peter Baumann and his team have received a series of high-ranking innovation awards and other recognitions:
DIN Innovator Award 2019.
German standardization body, DIN, has recognized Peter Baumann's contribution of datacubes to the Big Earth Data challenges with this year's Innovator Award.
This prestigious European award recognizes rasdaman for its innovation, its advancement of data science in industry and business, and as such also its outstanding business impact.
DatSci Data Science Technology Innovation of the Year, finalist 2019.
This prestigious European award recognizes rasdaman for its innovation, its advancement of data science in industry and business, and as such also its outstanding business impact.
TechConnect World Innovation Award 2019.
TechConnect (USA) has recognized rasdaman's technological leadership with its prestigious innovation award, presented at the Boston event in June 2019.
According to TechConnect, "rasdaman heralds a new generation of services on massive, distributed spatio-temporal data".
In 2018, NATO Defence Innovation Challenge award goes to rasdaman as the only product in the Data Science category.
As every year, the NITEC symposium - organised by the NATO Communications and Information Agency, NCIA - saw a massive lineup of industrial and academic excellence. For its open-source analytics capabilities rasdaman received the annual Innovation Challenge Award in the category Data Science.
IEEE has elected Peter Baumann, PI and inventor of rasdaman, as senior member (proposed by NASA) and
distinguished lecturer.
As a distinguished lecturer, he is considered a "leading professional" offering specifically lectures on
Datacubes as a Novel Paradigm for Massive Earth Data Analysis; and Big Data Standards in OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE.
US Magazine CIO Review picks rasdaman into its list of 100 Most Promising Big Data Solutions
Published from Fremont, California, CIOReview is a print magazine that explores and understands the plethora of ways adopted by firms to execute the smooth functioning of their businesses. A distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, IT VPs including CIOReview editorial board finalized the "100 Most Promising BigData Solution Providers 2016" in the U.S. and shortlisted the best vendors and consultants.
"It's a delightful experience to announce Rasdaman as one of the 100 Most Promising BigData Solution Providers 2016," said Jeevan George, Managing Editor of CIOReview. "Rasdaman is recognized for providing highly innovative products that helps to store and query massive, multi-dimensional array of data into the data base, which brings new dimension to the industries in the Big Data arena."
Copernicus Masters: Winner, Big Data Challenge [press release]
On October 23, 2014 the rasdaman team is announced winner of the Big Data Challenge of the Copernicus Masters Earth Monitoring Competition.
T-Systems International GmbH has awarded the prize to rasdaman as best Copernicus service that makes use of big data analytics technologies to provide Earth observation intelligence on demand via a user-oriented web portal and mobile devices. (right: award gets handed out to Peter Baumann (middle) by
Thorsten Rudolph Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (left) and Markus Lennartz, Vice President Global Accounts / International Business, Public Sector, T-Systems International GmbH (right))
OGC Kenneth Gardels Award [press release]
On September 17, 2014 Peter Baumann receives OGC's prestigious 2014 Kenneth Gardels Award. From the laudatio: We wish to express our deep appreciation for the extraordinary contribution you have made to the OGC community and to people around the world who are the ultimate beneficiaries of improvements in the development, management and use of geoscientific data. Devoting your time and bringing your dedication, expertise, critical thinking and leadership to OGC working groups has resulted in significant and enduring advances in technical standards. The value you've created has been leveraged, and the OGC's work overall has been leveraged, through your active participation in other standards bodies, expert groups, councils and commissions. We thank you for this collaborative work, for it benefits us all.
Geospatial World Forum Innovation Award 2013
(right: The award gets handed out to Peter Baumann and Wim Jansen, European Commission Project Officer)
Innovationspreis Mittelstand 2012
European IT Prize 1998

Jos Schepens Memorial Award 1998
Innovation Prize of the Bavarian State Government 1998

Founders Competition Multimedia VDI/VDE 1998
German Minister for Research, Dr. Rüttgers, hands out personally
the winner's certificate to CEO Dr. Peter Baumann: