Bachelor Thesis (aka Guided Research Project)This is the place where Bachelor Thesis project topics are announced. The list of topics provides a variety of theoretical and practical themes which all are somehow connected to our group's research on large multi-dimensional array databases and their application in science and technology. Reserve your favourite topic early - there is competition, and from the topics offered I may not be able to support all due to teaching load and other obligations. First come, first serve. Also note that I reserve to have a brief check on qualifications required (such as programming skills) to make sure that the thsis has a chence of getting finalized successfully. Again a reason to approach me early on as you may have to find another thesis and supervisor better suited for your individual setup. Concerning the logistics of your thesis work there is a project management summary which helps you and me to keep under control of progress and deadlines. Important: as a firm rule, thesis work cannot be extended into summer break; under certain conditions, though, earlier preparatory work (say, during Intersession) is possible. Looking forward to jointly tackle fascinating, challenging, and potentially rewarding leading-edge research themes!